Sweet Couple Of The Years..

Sweet Couple Of The Years..

mY FutuRe HusBand

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Saturday 30 April 2011

Bukan....ler..... bukan!!!!!!!!!!!!!...x pun... apa?? (kemik)

mmm..... xpun la... mmm... ada ... mmm...
ur know whats...
every time i hear ur voice my heart bergoyang...
every time i think of u pagi and petang....
i forgot to eat my makan... i forgot to think about other one...
coz there's no other boys but dis one....
Muhammad Hazimin B. Ab Roni...
hey buchux hear me now.... dont tutup ur phone...
coz im really cant without u... coz im really....
 loving ur very much....
 mmm... ni le sebab nya...
mmm.... so please dont... ur.... dont ur angry with me...

memang rasa sgt... ye betul... tapi ... i cant without him.... hohoooho... laalaaal...
pelik kan... klu kata if dgr suara kemik buchux ilank lapar..hahaaaha... orank akan kata tipu.. but dats its..
x suka sgt dengar mara and leter.. tapi coz nak dgr suara dye.. biar kan je laaa... mmm....
xada la maksud kan ilank terus rasa lapar... tapi ntah le... just im know what im feel... kdg.. klu x dgr sehari rasa cm ada je y x kena... mmm... tapi klu dah dgar x ley nak stop plak.... nak2...nak and nak.. rasa2 kemik tahu x nak2..nak3.. tu apa?? nak manja and rengek... hohoooho.. x tahu kot kan... mmm... biar ler...

apa yang dapat???
> feel likes segar gila... rasa... yes... urrmmm..ark'a
> riang ria... eppy..
> rasa yes no other person just me...
> yea he just love me... just me.. whose?? me.. just me...
arrrgggghhh.... x tahu... huhuuhu.. x tahu rasa apa... rasa... yes.. and keep me smile..smile and smile...
kadang rasa nak b there 24 ours... yes just he and me...whose?? Tuan kepada cemot... Mr. Kemik Buchu..
and ur know what..even kwan2 ckp dah buchux.. and comot... selekeh... do i care... ur dont know whose cemot for me... its everything for me... cemot make me feel kemik buchux near to me... eveytime im hug its make me feel relax...and save.... oteyy... i hope i can get a real cemot... my dear... beloved cemot... dats is.. Kemik Buchux....

Cry on My Shoulder...

Hope ave someone here..borrow me their shoulder....
Heyyy..hai...haaaiii..haaii.... mmm.... continues...
mmm.... im just finish cry on my .... PILLOW..hehee.. 
coz nobody near me give their shoulder... so???
Hehee... u know what... sometimes... all...the people in dis worlds does know what we feel...
dats im rite??
mmm.... they think we just fine... we fine... nothing.. even sometime our mom also does know...
arrrggghhh...just let its b.... 
ur know.. sometime we also hope someone ...dats we love damed much always with us.... and really hope... dats the person does know whats we feel coz we does want he worried about us...
mmm... what can i do.. what should i do... i dont want this words...
coz dats its not my type...
im not the person whose will told their boys all about their family problem or something dats is really personal 
coz i really want the person who love and will b my husband... respect my family... even  only i know who is my family....
and im not the type dats ask a money from someone even my boyfriends....
 believe me dats im not the girls of dats type...
i love u..who u ar... not ur money or anything special about u...
coz i love u...and love u damed much...
please understand something... dat im just really need ur to stay beside me..
coz when ur there with me.... im feel happy.... 

im sad think of mom...bro...mmm...
i love them to much... and ur too dad... mmm...
im really confused now.....

dalam hidup ni... adakah kita perlu konkong...atau terlalu mengawal orang yang kita sayang??
atau kita perlu biar kan dye bebas or what??

Love story...

mm.... ur know what.... love is a lot of surprise... mmm....
mmm... sometime.. its will make us cry... and sometime its will hurts us... but sometimes it will b nice... mm..
pelik..pelik... pelik...
mmm... tapi x tahu.. napa dgn arini dan semalam...

Persoalan... lelaki mula membangkitkan isu... :
RIMAS... DIKONKONG... its not good rite..

Yang mana satu... huhuhuuuu...arrrggghhhhhhhh.............

Bukan niat untuk mengonkong.. just to care... care coz im scared.. scared.. scare of what... ur goink...
sedar tak.. kekandang org selalu kata .. jangan terlalu biar and bebaskan.. satu ari ia akan pergi and menghilang..
like what was happen...
about someone.. yang terlalu yakin and percayakan suaminya... mmm....dan memberikan kebebasan....
and now... whats has happen... just im know its...
so how??? mm... oopppsss.. tey ler... im goink...
coowwiiee... got photoshout rite now....

Friday 29 April 2011

ish... again..again... n again...

heyyy...heeyyy... ur...ur.. im really dont like ur... ur know why?? ur know why?? coz ur disturb my boyfriends.... ur2... ur2... i dont know why ur here.... heeyyy..heeyyy... ur disturb my boyfriends... huhh... get out of here... get away from us... u really such a asty thing.. im really hate ur.. so please stop.. stop... stop.. disturb us... please stop..stop.. stop... comink near... coz if i got u .. not will b thinkg.... ur will b kill... ur will b kill..... huhhh...

itu lah lagu ciptaan.. uchux... yang agak kebengongan disini... huhh... penink.... je fikir pasal semua ni.... tahu ngak????..adoei.... serabut.. in the exam mode nak kena fikir itu ini... why semua org mcm ni erk?? ur know what... perebutan kawan and nak kan perhatian... and pemisahan hubungan.. gila kan semua tu.. napa mulut perempuan ni... suka sgt membawa cerita... bergosip... bercerita.. mengata... ada je yang tak kena.. ada je yang nak digaduhkan... huuuhhh.... such a bored thing... isu yang timbul skrg...about... nak rebut...uchux... to make as a friends?? for whats?? doew...x ley ke kita just berkawan mcm biasa.... berkawan beramai... mmm... napa perlu nak sisihkan kawan kita yang lemah and kekurangan.. kan kita patut bantu... jangan le menghina kawan kita...ishhh............. even depan sesama kita...pun coz itu kan aib dye.. of course la dye malu........... gila.... ishh.. benci tol... sedar tak dats is our friends.... mmm......benci betul... 
then... ni hahh.. ag sorg ni.. napa le x sudah2 je nak gngu... uchux and jimin... hahh??? x ley ke x gngu.. y suda nanti uchux juga y kena marah... uchux tension doew.............. uchux benci... x suka!!!!!!!!!! faham x??? huhh...  susah sangat ke nak faham.......... ???? please stop disturb us... and just pray for our best... mmm.... 

Wednesday 27 April 2011

cecite... cecite.. hehe...

ikut kata mom... u never been serius in ur life.. ur always take its easy.. rite...
nop mom.. im serius im think of its... but when im think of im become stress.. feel like to cry..
then whats u should do?? what ur hope so??
just sleep and try to for got of its even its hards... wake up and start doink anything dat can make me for got about its mom...
saya bukan terlalu ambil mudah atau apa... adoiii.. u know what. aall thing dats happen to us..
is not the thing dat we want its to happen... dats im rite???
so... apa y bley dilakukan... mmm...
stress juga bila semalaman study untill 6 monink..then pukul 8 dah kena wake up coz got test at 9 o'clock..
bangun siap nak ambil duit.. duit dah x ada!!! huhh.. hampa sehampa gilanya...
pergi ambil exam ati x tenang jawab pun not in the mood... dgn kerenah kwan2 y asyik2 nak tanya kan jawapan.. laaa... clue laa... masa x cukup... penink2... terpaksa layan kerenah dan fikirkan wang
.. buat kan x beri perhatian pada paper test.. sedar2 masa dah nak tamat sedangkan objectve question masih byak y x dijawab... so... apa lagi??? bulat membulat bulat jer la...kan.... redha... 
hohooho... credit phone x ada.... nak col xley... money2.. no money..
diam je la... tido tahan rasa lapar.. bgun still pula rasa lapar... biskut... where are u... mamee monster.. come here... owwhh Alhamdullilah.. dah lega skit...
huhuu... kena marah and leter ... dgn buchux..kemik... adooii.... sakit nya ati ini..kepala ini..
mengapa bakal suami ku suka benar membebel ye... mulut tak kalah my mom...
bagus2... bley beradu tenaga dalam menyampaikan hujah...hehee...
malas dowh nak fikir... biar jelahh..... hehehe
tapi kebenaran nya rindu gila dkt kemik buchux tu...
i got a call from him...
Tuan kepada Cemot... hahaha....
Mr.kemik Buchux..lalaaa..
dengar dye punya suara dah ubat segalanya dah.. dengar tawa dye buat ati makin riang ria...
dye tahu x erkk..
biar lerrhh....
i know he love me damed much tooo...
cme kuat leter skit...

soalan uchux : napa abg suka marah syg??
jawapan buchux : biar leeerr... sebelum kawin nak marah puas2... biar..padan muka...
jawapan uchux : ye laaahh..abg x syg syg le tu..
jawapan buchux : nanti dah kawin baru nak bg muka and manja2...
hohooho... yelah... otey3..

tersenyum untuk selamanya...
Muhammad Hazimin B. AB Roni...

Wednesday 6 April 2011

L0Ve............ I L0Ve him.......

Love.................... mmmm.... unik and penuh misteri... so...  The story of me and him....

Cinta penuh rasa cinta... Hehe... Tapi... ada semua nie... 
=  TO LOVE...... ALWAYS LOVE....AND need each other.... love so much.. a lot.... damed much..

Cinta kita hanya kita berdua.... Hanya engkau bley rasa bertapa cinta dan sayang... Banyak ujian and dugaaan.. always muncul orang ketiga... menggangu... tapi hati kita tetap and sering dekat and bersama walau kita berjauhan.... an3..... coz we trust we will be together till the end.... we got promise dat we will never leave each other....even anything happen to us... so for the couple out ther.... what can i say... love really need... trust ..onest...sacrifce... Kesabaran and ketabahan milik orang bercinta.. otey3.. hehehe... tagis itu kebiasaan jika tiada duka and nagis then its not true love... otey3.... so............... kita enjoy.... love u abg buchux......Muaaaahhhh...

Sunday 3 April 2011

Cemot tempat bermanja...menagis...mengadu... Hanya Cemot sentiasa disisi...
Cemot Always in my HUG....

love Muhammad Hazimin B. Ab Roni..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
